Top Tips for Choosing the Right Lipstick
When it comes to makeup, lipstick is often the least thought about when it comes to choosing. Of course, this isn’t to say that lipstick doesn’t get a lot of thought. It’s the act of choosing that often gets swayed by marketing techniques and buzzwords.
If you love wearing lipstick and are interested in some tips and techniques to help you choose the right color, style, and type, then this article is for you.
Clean and Fresh
The first tip comes in the form of lipstick preparation. Just as you wouldn’t paint a wall before cleaning it, always clean your lips before you apply any type of lipstick. Even if you aren’t going to wear lipstick and stop reading right now, at least use a moisturizer or balm after washing.
Always Use a Lip Liner
Before you begin thinking about all of the memes online with people wearing black lip liner and bright colored lipstick, consider something more realistic. A nude oriented liner can be a great option if you just want something to keep your gloss or foundation matched color in check. If you are looking to get adventurous, don’t be afraid to consider contrasting colors or even blended options. Speak with your local makeup counter assistant for more ideas.
Wear It Appropriately
Do you know what looks good at the club? Glittery lipstick. Do you know what doesn’t look good in the office? You guessed it, Glittery lipstick. Before you apply your lipstick, give it a second thought as to whether it’s appropriate for where you are going. If you’re looking for a broader range, check out the Groupon Coupons page for Walmart at travel packs with color options in one stick.
Remember Your Own Lip Color
If you were to paint onto different colored canvases then you would expect the same paint to look different. The same idea applies when choosing your lip color. If you see a bright red that looks great on the stick but not on your lips, consider that your natural lip color may be affecting it and look for colors a few shades up and down the spectrum.
Don’t Limit Yourself to One Color
By brushing a small section of the middle of your lip with a bright stick or powder, it can help to open up your lips when you apply your chosen color on top. To make this effect even stronger, consider shading a small section at the corners of your lips. The idea behind this tip is to use different colors if you have the creative flair for it! Don’t feel that you can only wear one color.
With so much attention paid to makeup products for your eyes and techniques to get your eyes on point, lips are often left as a second or complementary thought. The next time you sit down to design your face, think about your lips first and design the rest of your face around them. You will be surprised at the remarks!